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What to expect in an online M.Ed. in Special Education program

Friday, September 04, 2015 | 12:00 AM

An M. Ed. 特殊教育可以帮助教育工作者更好地满足学生和家长的需求, whether through advocacy, curriculum development or needs assessment. 特殊教育的学生需要具有独特知识的教育者来满足他们的需求, 特殊教育硕士学位为满足这些需求提供了必要的培训. 以下是在线硕士课程的一些课程描述.Ed. in Special Education program.

Low- and high-incidence disabilities

Online M. Ed. in Special Education 课程包括针对低致残率和高致残率学生的策略. Low-incidence disabilities, such as blindness, deafness and autism, tend to be rare, occurring in less than 1 percent of the student population. 学校通常很难满足这些学生的需求,因为他们太稀少了. 这些课程有助于教育工作者与家庭和社区合作,解决学生的特殊需求, 并结合文化和语言背景,以更有效地教学. Coursework for teaching students with high-incidence disabilities, such as speech impairments, ADHD and emotional disorders, 专注于为需要个性化指导的学生设计课程.

Legal foundations of special education

对教育工作者来说,了解特殊教育的历史和有关特殊教育项目的法律是很重要的. Online M.Ed. 特殊教育课程将探讨特殊教育项目的法律要求以及保护特殊教育学习者的法律. Legal requirements provide all students with an appropriate, 免费教育和这些课程解释了这是如何实现和受法律保护的.

Advanced individual differences

This course explores the differences in students. 它强调学习特点以及研究和理论在特殊教育项目中的实际应用. 攻读特殊教育硕士学位的学生将分析有关趋势的研究, issues and programs for special education students.

Autism spectrum disorders

This course examines autism spectrum disorders on several fronts. It looks at history, characteristics and interventions. With one in 68 children being diagnosed with some form of ASD, 本课程将帮助教育工作者更好地满足个人需求. ASD影响儿童的社会互动、沟通、行为和兴趣. Each child with ASD has a unique pattern of autism. 识别这些特征并制定个性化的教育计划将有助于为孩子的成功做好准备.

Online courses prepare teachers for success

There are several online M.Ed. in Special Education programs available. 在线攻读特殊教育硕士学位的能力意味着教育工作者现在可以在不扰乱他们生活的情况下继续他们的教育和他们的效率. 课程的设计使特殊教育教师处于研究和理论的前沿. Teachers learn how to apply this knowledge in the classroom, ensuring their students receive the best learning experience possible.


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