
BSA 资源及服务


Online research requests are the easiest way for BSA patrons and scholars to initiate their research inquiries. Be sure to include specific details about your research interest: BSA请求

Research consultations can be accommodated online or in person by appointment only. Advance notice is required to avoid an unnecessary trip. 提交一个 在线研究请求 and include your research interest and appointment availability.


边境研究档案 collection materials and resources that have been digitized are available via our institutional repository 金沙中国 ScholarWorks.

边境研究档案 does not own the copyright in much of the material in its collection and is therefore unable to grant copyright permission to publish those items. It is the researcher's responsibility to determine copyright and other possible restrictions on reuse (e.g., 宣传, 隐私, moral rights) and to obtain proper permission when publishing or distributing materials found in these collections.

Researchers must make their own assessments of rights considering their intended use. Learn more about copyright and use of our collections.

When citing 边境研究档案 materials and collections, please use the preferred citation:

[Title of Collection]; [item description], [dates]. Box [#], Folder [#], [name of item, e.g. Folk Foods Collection, Appetizers, Guacamole]. 大学图书馆, 边境研究档案, University of 德州里奥格兰德河谷, 爱丁堡, Texas.